Site Etiquette

Keep it fun for everyone
Here at Whitney Bridge we want everyone to have a great time, so we ask that you make yourself aware of good camping etiquette and common sense campsite rules.
By being respectful of other glampers and their privacy, keeping noise levels down, clearing up after yourself, and disposing of waste properly, you can ensure that you'll have a great stress free camping experience.
Please consider carefully the following….
Parents and guardians are fully responsible for their children at all times.
Fire Awareness Please take the time to read the Fire Notice Board at the Canoe Office. Please note where the extinguishers and water buts are.
Ensure all your party know where the fire assembly point is situated.
Strictly no smoking inside lodges and pods.
Portable cookers and BBQs should never be used inside your lodge or pod, and never placed directly onto the grass or picnic tables.
Never use candles or items with naked flames in your lodge or pod. Never light fireworks or Chinese Lanterns.
Firepits/BBQ You must be 18 years old to use. Use at your own risk and always with a responsible and cautious attitude.
They are HOT – Keep children away.
Extinguish prior to retiring to sleep.
Do Not use liquid fuel of any description.
Do Not use in high winds.
Only ever use the fire pits provided by Whitney Bridge. Never move the fire pits.
We supply the highest quality hard wood. Unfortunately, you may not bring your own wood. This is due to health and safety because scrap wood with nails, screws, hinges etc. has often previously been used, leaving metal debris and causing flats and punctures in our mowing apparatus and flying missiles from the strimmer.
River Please use the river sensibly and responsibly. Only swim when safe to do so.
Children must be made aware of the dangers and be accompanied at all times.
If children are playing in the river they MUST wear a buoyancy aid and monitored/accompanied by an able bodied adult.
Vehicles When checking-in at the office, please ask where to park your vehicle. We are a small site, so it is essential that vehicles are parked in designated spaces.
Anti-Social Behaviour Anti-social behaviour will never be tolerated. Whitney Bridge reserve the right to evict with no refund given. Likewise, physical and verbal abuse towards staff and other campsite users will not be tolerated and will lead to immediate eviction from the site with no refund given.
Dogs Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times. Dogs must not be left unattended at any time.
If your dog fouls within the campsite, please remove the mess immediately.
Noise Volume of music must be kept low at all times and especially after 9pm.
We are a quiet site between 11pm and 8am.
It is vital that campers do not cause a disturbance by loud talking, partying, games and music. Offenders may be evicted immediately without a refund.
Washrooms Showers, toilets, kitchen and communal areas should be kept clean and tidy.
Waste General waste and recycle bins are provided for litter, please use them.
Please take large items of rubbish with you i.e.: broken tents, chairs, cardboard etc…We do not have the facilities to remove bulky items and we may have to charge for removal.